Monday, February 28, 2011

First lesson: overview


Class organization:
Students are expected to participate in class discussions and to take notes on vocabulary learned in class. (25% of final mark)
Students are expected to do their homework directly on the blog. (25% of final mark)
Students will be given a written exam after the last lesson. (50% of final mark)

Students who cannot follow the lessons in class (NON-FREQUENTANTI) can use the textbook "English for Cultural Heritage" (25%), do the online homework (25%) and the written exam (50%)

Powerpoint presentations with relative links will be posted for download under the name "Beni Culturali Files" at the following site:

Today we reviewed question forms and adjectives describing people (see last slide of powerpoint presentation: AppLing1)

Your first assignment is to click on the word "comments" and write about the site we tried to visit today (see slide 3 of the powerpoint project: AppLing1), and write a BRIEF (short) description of the museum and the painting you decided to explore in-depth with your group. Don't forget to write your names after your 'comments'.

I look forward to hearing from you!

(Remember that there are no lessons on Tuesday, March 8th!)