Sunday, October 06, 2013

Approfondimento di lingua inglese

Corso di Laurea in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali
CFU: 3
Docente: Dianna Pickens
Anno Accademico 2013/2014
Basi grammaticali della lingua inglese e comunicazione in contesti professionali. 


Obiettivo del corso è il consolidamento delle competenze acquisite nel corso precedente, ovvero l’apprendimento delle nozioni di base della lingua inglese, dopodichè gli studenti dovranno essere in grado di leggere, capire, e tradurre testi scelti dal Professore durante il corso,e dovranno partecipare alle attività pubblicate sul blog. La prova finale consiste nella elaborazione e presentazione in inglese davanti ai colleghi del corso di un itinerario a propria scelta (turistico/culturale/musicale/artistico/gastronomico) utilizzando uno dei seguenti format: Video, Powerpoint, Depliant, o Poster. Non saranno accettate tesine.

English File Pre-intermediate Student’s book/workbook (Oxford University Press) 


I NON-FREQUENTANTI dovranno portare anche il seguente testo: 
Gebhardt, Frederika English for Cultural Heritage, (Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, Venezia 2003) 
Capitoli 6-10. Per questi studenti, l'esame sarà scritto (propedeutico) e orale.
PER - (link: Approf. Ling.)

SUBJECTS COVERED: The basic grammatical structures and vocabulary of English and practical communication in professional contexts.

PROGRAMME: The course aims to consolidate knowledge gained in the previous course (English for Cultural Heritage); therefore basic English grammar and vocabulary will be reviewed briefly, and then students will be asked to read, understand, and translate texts chosen by the Professor during the course. They will also be asked to participate in the activities published in an online Forum/Blog. Finally, students will be asked to design a cultural/musical/artistic/gastronomic tourist itinerary which they will present to the entire class using one of the following formats: Video, Powerpoint, Brochure, or Poster. Written mini-theses will not be accepted.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: English File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book/Workbook (Oxford University Press) 


NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS must also study the following short text: 
Gebhardt, Frederika English for Cultural Heritage, (Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, Venezia 2003) 

Units 6-10. These students must pass a written exam before being admitted to the oral exam.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Last assignment! Publicizing your tour...

In order to publicize all of the wonderful things you have organized for your tour groups, you should also think about the different ways to do it. Here is an article, in Italian, that discusses the lack of 'creativity' in how Italians publicize their museums. Make sure you click on the various videos to see how museums and other cultural sites generate awareness about their events.  For your last assignment, I would like to hear your comments about the article and the links. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A half-day tour of Naples

PART I. Planning an itinerary: Make your proposals by answering the questions!
1) Tour sites: Where could you take the tour group? What could they do there? What surprises could you organize for them?
2) Scheduling: What time could you meet, and where? How long would you plan to stay? What will happen if it rains?
3) Purpose: What are your reasons for arranging the tour? What is your objective? Do you want to educate them? Help them to appreciate something about Naples? What?
4) Human Resources: How many people would you need to work for your tour? Musicians? Actors? Experts?
5) Expenses: How much would it cost you to take people to those places? How much would you like to charge the tourists, if anything? How much money would you make in a half-day?

PART II. Comparing your tour to other existing tours.

Use comparatives to compare your tour to the tours described in the links above. Is yours more or less expensive? Which do you think would be more interesting? What other considerations do you have?

Click on 'comments' to post your answers to Part I and II.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Prince and a Saint

 Dear Students,
This week, you have several tasks to do!
In class today, half of you read about Raimondo di Sangro (Prince of San Severo), and the other half read about San Gennaro. You should make sure to note any new vocabulary words, and write a simple summary of the text in your notebook Now, you must do a couple of things:
1) find the Italian translation of the text you received in class, and check for errors in the original and in the translation. Do the texts match? Is the original information correct, or is the translation wrong? Take notes in your notebook so we can discuss these errors in class next week.
2) read the text that you did NOT receive in class, note down any new vocabulary words, and then write a short summary here on the blog (4-5 SIMPLE sentences).

Click below to go to the webpages:

Raimondo di Sangro - Prince of Sansevero

San Gennaro

(note: after going to the webpage, to see the original text in Italian, click on the Italian flag at the top right-hand corner of the page).

Sunday, April 07, 2013

What we did before Easter

We read about: Parthenope - click on the word to see the text and then click on the Italian flag (in the upper right-hand corner to find the original text.  Your job will be to choose one of the other subjects on the same webpage called

Mythical and legendary origins of the city

 and then write a short summary about it here.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today's Lesson: Course Overview/Dublin Literary Pub Crawl

See previous post for Course Overview.

Dublin Literary Pub Crawl. Read about it here:
and here:
And watch some highlights here:

Click on the word 'comments' and write your answers to the following questions:
1) According to the Tripadvisor site, which aspects of the tour did people appreciate the most?
2) Would it be possible to do something similar in Naples? Why or why not?
3) If you wanted to organize something similar in Naples, how would you do it? What famous writers/artists/architects/philosophers/musicians would you include?


Course goals:
- to improve reading comprehension/vocabulary for cultural heritage
- to increase knowledge about our local cultural heritage
- to provide an opportunity to practice using spoken/written English

Course requirements:
Frequentanti: You must be present at least 75% of the time, you must complete a vocabulary journal, you must complete all online activities, and you must complete a final project OR do the final exam (writing section only).

Semi-frequentanti: You must be present in class at least 50% of the time, you must complete a vocabulary journal, you must complete all online activities, and you must complete the final project AND do the final exam (writing section only).

Non/frequentatni: You must complete a full written exam (basted on grammar, reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing) based on the reading activities you will find on this blog, or based on the book English for Cultural Heritage by Federika Gebhardt.

Final Project: Design a "Literary, Musical, Historical, Architectural and Artistic Wine Walk" itinerary for central Naples, or for your hometown. You can work in groups of 2 or 3, or work individually. Projects can in in Written, Powerpoint, or Video form, OR you can "perform" them in front of the class. We will work on your projects throughout the semester, along with all of the other activities.