Monday, May 14, 2012

Final Lesson, suggestions

Most of you should know by now exactly what you need to do to earn your final credits. Our last lesson was about the history and features of the University, Suor Orsola Benincasa - you can find information about the university on the website, and write your paragraphs here!

I also asked you to give me some feedback on the course...I will not publish your comments about that, but I promise I will read all of them and take them into account when I teach the course again next year.

As planned, the final 'quiz' for 'frequentanti' will be tomorrow, May 15. I will also check your notebooks (you must have all of your notes and keywords from the lessons) and count the number of absences. Anyone who does not meet the criteria for participation, notebooks, and quizzes, will be required to take the final exam on one of the following dates: May 22 (prenotazioni chiusi), May 29, June 12, or July 11.


Anonymous said...

Buonasera, sono Martina Di Giovanni, vorrei sostenere l'esame di approfondimento a fine maggio ho qualche domanda e non ho trovato risposte all'interno del blog. Nella sezione per gli studenti del sito dell'università sono riuscita a prenotare per l'appello del 29 maggio, ma ricordo che a gennaio, quando sono venuta a convalidare l'esame di lingua inglese (6 cfu) si svolgevano gli scritti sia del corso base che di approfondimento per cui non era necessaria la prenotazione. Dunque l'esame di approfondimento sarà solo scritto o scritto e orale com'è stato per il corso di base?

Jesus Rodriguez Viejo said...

Dear Ms. Pickens:

I'm so sorry for not attending any longer your lessons, but I was bound to attend the last Marazzi's lessons of Storia della Civiltà Cristiana del Medioevo, always on the morning of Tuesday. So I decided to face the final exam on May 29.

My best regards,

DP said...

@Martina: l'esame scritto propedeutico di Lingua inglese per i B.B.C.C. e' aperto anche senza prenotazione, e solamente quando si deve sostenere l'esame orale sarà' necessario prenotare per registrare i 6 crediti. Quello di approfondimento sarà' solamente scritto e deve essere prenotato sempre.
@Jesus: Thanks for letting me know!

Anonymous said...

The institute of Suor Orsola Benincasa:

1)The istitute Suor Orsola Benincasa is situated on the hill of Sant'Elmo in a panoramic position on the city of Naples.

2) The Istitute was founded in 16 century by Suor Orsola Benincasa.
Orsola Benincasa was a woman that didn't have any culture and any spiritual formation but she showed a great faith that she expressed with frequent ecstasies. Orsola founded a community of laymen, a convent of seclusion and a girl's boarding school.

3)When Orsola Benincasa died, the princess of Strongoli trasformed the small girl's boarding school in an institute where the young girls were followed by the infancy. Subsequently, with Antonietta Pagliara, the institute became the teaching.

4)Today the institute is composed from primary school, from secondary school and from university.

Melany Ferrandino 112000261

Jesus Rodriguez Viejo said...

Dear Ms. Pickens,

I have got such a big problem with the exam of 29 May. I got a 27 but I didn't know it was an ''idoneità''. I'm a Freemover exchange student and I need the mark for validating it in Spain.

Would you mind to write a simple statement about that? It should be enough for my university. At Segretaria Didattica told me that there's nothing they can do, so I decided to address myself to you.

It's very important because these are the last exams of my 5-year BA and I'm waiting for getting the diploma, confirm the further MA, etc.

I would thank you so much, sincerely.

My best regards,
Jesus Rodriguez.

Ps. I let you my personal e-mail account:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Pickens,
The istitute of Suor Orsola Benincasa is under Sant'Elmo mountain, in Naples. This istitue was founded by young woman called Orsola Benincasa in 1891 with Adelaide Del Balzo Pignatelli. It was an institution for women only, then later was open to all. Now there are elementary schools, colleges and universities, one of the most important and famous of Naples. There are many fields of study, such as letters, science education and restoration.

Simonetta Gaudino
Conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali.