Monday, October 23, 2006

Assignment 3: Art tells a Story

Explore the MOMA site (after clicking on the link, click on "Launch Site"), and write your story.


Anonymous said...

Well… I have discovered that I’m a police sketch artist.. I have chosen the wrong job!
I already knew our brain is divided into two halves, but I didn’t remember which of two is for language and which is for space and shape.. Now I know! The left brain sees and interprets the world as symbols and language, the right brain sees and interprets the world as space and shape..
I have used “full brain mode” on PD-Artist that is a prototype handheld identification software that helps crime witness to create composite portrait.
In the first case there are some kids who are toilet-papering trees and house (vandals!), while they are running away, I have seen one of them, so I help the police to identify the kid… And I was successful at the second tentative.
In this way I was able to pass to second case: someone has been pushing extra buttons on the elevator at the hotel. It’s been causing a lot of the guests to be late. There are video surveillance cameras and I have to watch them to do an accurate description of the culprit.
In this case I was successful at the first tentative and I discovered that the “pushing-man” was the hotel’s manager’s daughter.
On the right of the PD-Artist there is an interview to a real police sketch artist, Ingrid Holley, who tells how she is arrived to do this job.
I have enjoyed to make this assignment!

DP said...

Dear Ivana,
I am glad you enjoyed doing this assignment (notice that after the word 'enjoy' you should use a verb with 'ing'.
One thing - tentative = attempt in English.

Anonymous said...

In the third assignment I have seen the scene of crime setted in a street planted with trees where suddenly I see in the dark a boy that throws toilet-papers.
I have helped the policeman to recognize the identikit with a PD-Artist that is a prototype handheld identification software to create composite portait but I haven't obteined good results.
After I have seen the second scene of crime where I see a boy in the elevator of an hotel but I haven't recognized the criminal.
Is manifest that I haven't a good memory.
I'm sorry!!!!
This assignment is very difficult.

ERSILIA LIDO 078000005

francesca civetti said...

Gentile prof.ssa Pickens,
non riesco ad aprire il terzo eserizio, ho provato anche da altri computer, come posso fare???
Francesca Civetti 072000134

Francesca Civetti said...

I have finally succeeded in visiting the site of the third Assignment.
In a small town in Mexico there was a woman whose name was Frida Kahlo. She lived with her husband in a big house but she had no chilldren because she couldn't be pregnant. She was a very unlucky woman because of a grievous disease and an accident, too. But one fine day she found a monkeys just outside the door. It was very small and funny, with big and black eyes and black and beige-coated. She was captured by its sweet eyes and decided to keep it right away. They were always together, in fact she put a pink ribbon in her hair joined to the monkey's neck, so they could be inseparable.
Francesca Civetti 072000134

francesca civetti said...

In a small town in Mexico there was a woman whose name was Frida Kahlo. She lived with her husband in a big house but she had no chilldren because she couldn't be pregnant. She was a very unlucky woman because of a grievous disease and an accident, too. But one fine day she found a monkeys just outside the door. It was very small and funny, with big and black eyes and black and beige-coated. She was captured by its sweet eyes and decided to keep it right away. They were always together, in fact she put a pink ribbon in her hair joined to the monkey's neck, so they could be inseparable.
Francesca Civetti 072000134

dakota said...

Exploring the website of the Museum of Modern art of New York I admired many collections existents by more good artists of modern times, between these I had particularly appreciated the Spanish’s work: Salvador Dalì, and French’s work: Marcel Duchamp. Respectively associated with the Surrealism and Dadaism, the extreme value’s cultural movements. Dadaism began in Zurich, Switzerland, during World War I. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature—poetry, art manifestoes, art theory—theatre, and graphic design. Surrealism began in the early 1920s, his works feature the element of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions; however, many Surrealist artists and writers regard their work as an expression of the philosophical movement first and foremost, with the works being an artifact.
But I wanted dwell upon another artist, far from pictorial genres previously mentioned, but witch intrigued me particularly; his name is Walt Disney. I looked in the website some drawings of the world's most famous fictional character, Mickey Mouse, and I read the artist’s biography. But now, I want to present the cartoon’s creator in original way: I imagined to meet him in a fantastic world, where the people was represented by his movie’s characters. This characters led me, through enchanted city and very colored roads, to Mr. Walt Disney. The first “girl” that I met was Alice, she was very kind with me and she told me that she was Walt’s first creation (in far away 1922), but now she didn’t know where he was. So she decide to lead me to some her friends, two animal friends: Dumbo and Bambi. They told me to follow the second star on right and to go straight until the morning; only as I’ll arrive to person that I try. But they confused, I only arrived to Neverland! There, I met a nice boy, his name was Peter Pan, he said that knew Disney since 1953 and he consider him a very ingenious man. Finally Peter led me to Mr. Walt Disney. When I saw him I was so excited, he was a kind man, and I asked him to talk about his life. He told me that he was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago; at eighteen, left home and went to Kansas City to begin the artistic career. So he began to create cartoons. Some of his realizations I met by live during my journey. He told me that he had a beautiful family with two wonderful daughters, and had a good life.
Disney is particularly noted for being a film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon and philanthropist. He was famous for his influence in the field of entertainment during the 20th century. Walt Disney died on November 2, 1966 because of a bad disease.

Valentina Rocco 072000136

Anonymous said...

For the third assigment I have choosen the topic about Frida Kahlo because after vewing the film about her life "Frida" with Salma hayek, she became one of my favorite artiste because of his hard life and obviously her colored art.
The painting "Fulang-Chang and me" represents Frida kahlo herself with her monkey Finlang-Chang. To understand this painting, we have to know that when she was young she has had a very serious accident and after it, she will never being pregnant so she had reported all her love and affection on various animals and Fulang-Chang was her prefered. On the painting, they look like very closed, lovely and serene. The monkey looks like her baby and Frida was like a mum with him. Even if she looks like serene, she looks sad, probably because she desires a real baby and it will never happen. The pink ribbon links Frida with the monkey, it shows that there's a real tie between their.
To conclude, even if the painting looks like serene, peacefull and bright by the use of the colors, the painting transcribes a dark Frida's problem.

Pauline DRUBAY 072000127

Anonymous said...

A woman is sleeping,after a long travel,on a desert plateau.Is night,infact there is the full moon in the sky.A lion is approaching the woman,she wakes up but she's not afraid of the lion because it isn't ferocious.So she gives him water that she has in the jug.In order the lion and the woman become friends and together continue the travel.

Adriana de Gennaro