Monday, October 23, 2006

Assignment 5: Be a Patron of the Arts!

Just watch the introduction, then click on “Patron of the Arts”, and see if you can create a work of art that will last for centuries!


Anonymous said...

Gentile professoressa ho difficoltà nel capire l' assignment n 5 potrebbe darmi un piccolo aiutino? Grazie aspetto un suo riscontro.

ersilia lido said...

Gentile professoressa ho difficoltà nel capire l' assignment n.5 potrebbe darmi un piccolo aiutino? Grazie resto in attesa di un suo riscontro

DP said...

Gentile Ersilia,
Forse hai difficoltà capire la storia, oppure non sai cosa fare una volta hai completato il gioco? Il punto è di cliccare sul link, cliccare su "Patron of the Arts", poi seguire la storia finchè non sei riuscita a creare un'opera d'arte n.b. lo fanno loro per te)! Se non riesci, quale è il motivo (cosa hanno scritto)?
A proposito, hai già cominciato a fare gli altri 'assignments'?
Perchè non vedo commenti? Non lasciarli all'ultimo momento!
Se hai ulteriori problemi, sarò a S. Caterina lunedì dalle 10:00 alle 12, più o meno...sarei lieta aiutarti.

Anonymous said...

In Renaissance, in Italy, making money and getting rich was considered sinful. Those who got rich usually felt an obligation to give something back to the society. A work of art became a popular item for rich bankers and merchants to commission on behalf of their family, their city or their God.
Before I have tried to glorify my city… I was a duke who inherited his rule from his father and from his grandfather… but I could not to do it because my cousins killed me or I am dead in a war…
So I tried to glorify my family.. I was born into a ordinary merchant family but after I became a rich and powerful businessman. Portrait of myself is the only thing that I can do. It could be commissioned to Hans Maler (Portrait of Anton Fuger) or to Girolamo Romanino (portrait of a gentleman).
I had the possibility to glorify also the God.
When I made a choose, sometimes it wasn’t possible because or there wasn’t enough money to pay the artist or the artist was not available..
When I was successful in realizing a picture that will live for centuries, at the end there is a windows that explains the art work and gives hints on the artist who made it.

Anonymous said...

In the 5th assignment I have selected " Patron of Arts" and I have chose Glorify God after I have chose between: Madonna and Child and A Saint of your choice but I prefered the first work realized in oil on panel. The printer of the work is Giuliano Bugiardini.In this painting Mary sits between two children: Christ child and Saint John the Baptist.The first represented the divine, the second everyday people .Setting these figures in a landascape was an innovation for Reinaissance artists.
This altarpiece remained in Italy for three hundred years, probably in a church for much of that time.In 1857 Kress a patron of arts acquired it.Kress gave the Madonna and the Child with Saint John to the Alemtown Art Museum in 1960 where is can be seen on display today. This assignment is very interesting because I have learned things that I didn't know.

ERSILIA LIDO 078000005

VALERIA CARUSO 078000057 said...

In the fifth assignment, I am a patron of art in the Renaissance, my name is Monna Margherita. I decide to donate to the church of my town an altarpiece representing a saint. The framework must be done with oil painting. I choose the artist called Lorenzo Lotto. The painting must represents St. Jerome Penitent. After two months, the painter represents the saint on his knees, in a natural landscape, in prayer before a crucifix. Its symbol is the lion that is on the lower left. I am very satisfied!

Francesca Civetti said...

In this fifth assignment I’ve chosen “Patron of Arts” option. I found myself in the Renaissance, a flourish period for the artists of that time. I was a man born in an ordinary family of merchants but I worked hard so that I became a rich businessman. To receive respect from everyone I decided to hire an artist to make a self-portrait. Regarding the portrait in question (Portrait of a Gentleman, an oil on canvas, 1520/40), we don’t know who’s portrait it’s for sure, maybe he was Girolamo Romanino. The portrait remained in Italy for 400 years and was purchased in Florence in 1938 by Samuel Kress, a 20th century patron of the arts. Kress donated the painting to the Allentown Art Museum in 1960, where it can be seen today.
Francesca Civetti072000134

dakota said...

In the assignment five, after watched introduction, I click on “A Patron of Arts”, and I choice the option “Glorify your city”. In this history I’m a duke of a small city-state in northern Italy. I had inherited this rule from my father and my grandfather. I wish to honor my family by commissioning a public work of art. I’ll do a magnificent work of art, so I’ll inspire loyalty among my citizens and fear among my enemies. Also my Secretary approved this my purpose, he said that the people will find it even more glorious than the massive fortifications that my father built. The kind work of art that I had imagined is a public fresco that will can tell a thousand words about my glorious rule. But in that time the Italian city-states were often at war-with each other, against the Pope, or against the foreign powers like France. Indeed, while I planned my fresco I saw Pope’s army to attack my castle, so I leaded my armies against the invaders for to protect me and my citizens …
The benevolent and heroic Duke was killed in battle against the Pope, so his beautiful purpose ended.

Valentina Rocco 072000136

Anonymous said...

For the last assignment, after clicking on "A Patron of Arts", I have choosen the option "Glorify your city" because for me, it's the best way to become a good Duke for my subjects. Personally, to do something for them is more important than doing something for my personal glory. So, I have choosen to build a Public Plaza which is a great place to meet and greet my subjetcs. Unfortunaly, i have been poisoned by a rival and my project will never be finished.

Pauline DRUBAY 072000127

Anonymous said...

I seen the introduction of the site and I clicked on "patron of the arts".I chose to create a work of art for my glory.I am a businessman and I come from a family of merchants.
I decided to hire an artist to make a portrait of myself.I thought Leonardo Da Vinci but my wife is not in accord.So I chose to call Girolamo.He gave me a good price.My wife and I are pleased of result.

Adriana De Gennaro